
Trento is located in the Adige River Valley in Trentino-Alta-Adige and it is the capital of Trentino. The city has a picturesque medieval historic centre with the Trento Cathedral and the Castello del Buonconsiglio. Great location for exploring the Dolomites too!


Palazzzo Geremia is one of Trento’s most beautiful renaissance jewels, and situated in the centre, it was built at the end of the 15th Century as a resident home for Giovanni Antonio Pona, son of the noble Geremia Pona of Verona and his wife Elisabetta Calepini. The family lived there for over 3 centuries.

Palazzo Geremia

Today Palazzo Geremia is used for public meetings, exhibitions and weddings. There are 2 rooms that can be used for your wedding, one large and one small, both are lovely and rich in history. Being close to the dolomites this area is perfect for your winter wedding and perhaps a ski trip?